You’ve almost lost hope. You’ve been feeling this anxiety and depression so long you’re starting to believe it’s just the way you are.

Every day is spent just trying to make it to the end only to lay in bed awake half the night. Thoughts race, constant replays of everything you’ve done wrong, reviewing conversations or interactions you’ve had for any sign of failure, the self judgement and criticism doesn’t stop. It is exhausting.

Exhausted, that’s exactly how you feel. It isn’t just the emotional stress, now you’re experiencing digestive distress, headaches, continual fatigue. You’ve not been able to find answers from the doctor or other healthcare practitioners. How much longer do you have to endure this?

There’s got to be something that can help…

Emotional concerns can and do affect us physically and vice versa. I believe in addressing the whole of you: mind, body, spirit, energy. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare. I look at your unique concerns and issues and how they are expressing themselves in your body and personalize an approach that is designed just for your wonderful being.

Therapy for a Healthier, Happier You

Using tools that include: traditional psychotherapy, EMDR (an evidence based approach that is excellent for trauma, anxiety and imbedded beliefs), energy healing, SE, mindfulness meditation and Brainspotting, I help you to find your way back to vibrant health and happiness.

Your lovely being was designed for joy, balance and health. Until you can believe that for yourself I’ll light the way and walk by your side through every step on your journey.

Call now to get started on your path to wellness by booking a session in my Durham office or for a free 15-minute consult, 919-286-9659.