You’ve been feeling anxious and unhappy for far too long. Part of you is excited about the idea of starting something new and hopefully finding some real help this time. And another part of you is still unsure, maybe has some questions. Below I will see if I can help answer some of the more common questions people ask. If your question isn’t answered below, give me a call at 919-286-9659 and I am happy to take the time to answer any additional questions you may have.

How long does therapy take?

Many factors contribute to the length of counseling, making it difficult to predict until we begin our work together. You will set some goals at the start of our work that we’ll use to measure progress. We will check in on a regular basis to monitor progress and see if your goals have changed in any way. We will have discussions about termination along they way, both as we look for how well you are doing and when it is time to begin preparing for ending our work.

How often do we meet?

Research indicates, and my own experience concurs, that people who attend weekly therapy sessions make progress faster. You also get more support in sustaining the changes you are making over time with less relapse into old habits and patterns. So, the begin, we will schedule a regular occurring, weekly appointment for you.

What can I expect to happen during our time together?

During the first few sessions, we will do a thorough history and establish specific goals for your therapy. That is also a time for both of us to assess whether our working together is the best fit. Early sessions are devoted to expanding your tool box for dealing with the current stressors that brought you to counseling and increasing your capacity to manage stress. From there we will work on the deeper roots, underlying issues and patterns that created the distress that brought you in for therapy.

What kind of results can I expect from counseling?

My clients leave therapy having hope for the future and faith that they can accomplish their goals. They are more relaxed and at peace.  They are less frightened and reactive and instead feel more secure and safe in the world.   They see themselves more positively and have more confidence in their abilities.   They are better at identifying their own needs and finding appropriate ways to get those needs met.  By the end of our work they feel solid in their ability to meet life’s challenges and take care of themselves in difficult times. 

What if I need to cancel our appointment or I get sick?

I do have a 48-hour cancellation policy which means if you do not show up for a session or cancel with less than a 48-hour notice you are charged for the full session. If you need to cancel, make sure you give me 48 hours notice to avoid paying the late cancellation fee. I do offer phone and video sessions in case something happens last minute that prevents you from coming to your appointment. 

Do you take my insurance?

I am not paneled with any insurance company so you will pay the full fee at the time of each session. I do offer a Superbill, which you can use to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement using your Out-of-Network benefits.

Ready to get started?

Call now for a free 15-minute phone consultation, 919-286-9659 or to book an appointment in my Durham office.