As David Grand, PhD, the founder of Brainspotting says, “Where we look affects how we feel”. Brainspotting is a powerful treatment method that makes use of this natural phenomenon through its use of eye positions related to what you are experiencing. By focusing on the eye position that is associated with a particular feeling, thought, sensation or event we can locate, focus, process and release a wide range of emotionally and bodily-based conditions.

One of the best things about Brainspotting is that you never have to talk about your stress or trauma if you don’t want to. It is equally effective at re-processing and shifting symptoms without having to rehash, explain or relive those painful past events.

Additionally, Brainspotting can be used to find and strengthen your natural resources and resilience and to enhance performance and creativity .

Brainspotting can also be used as an adjunct to the therapy you may already be receiving. This works by you continuing with your current therapist to focus on day to day issues while you and I use the Brainspotting to reprocess trauma or other negative thought patterns or situations that are preventing you from moving forward.

Bio-lateral Music

Enhancing the Brain’s Processing

A specific type of music is used with Brainspotting called bio-lateral music. Through sound transmission from one ear to the next and slight changes in volume it supports the brain’s processing and enhances our work. Access it for free on these sites: Apple music, Spotify, iTunes, Pandora or Amazon Prime by searching for David Grand, Biolateral Sound. Another resource is: ​ ​

Download the music before your session so you will have it ready to use. To get the full effect of the bio-lateral sounds you need to listen to the music with earbuds or headphones. Please download the music on a different device (phone or pad or MP3 player) for use during the session so you can hear my voice via the computer speakers. The music can be used with earphone/buds at any time to help calm and soothe you. Some people use it to assist with falling asleep at night.

Here is a good article about Brainspotting: Brainspotting Article from Psychotherapy Networker