You’ve done talk therapy in the past with limited longterm results. Negative beliefs about yourself, anxiety, past experiences still haunt you. You’d like to find a way to not just placate those issues but to really get past them and move on. You may be afraid to hope that anything can help but here you are, looking for help again. This time, you’re in luck. EMDR is a very effective tool for dealing with all kinds of memories, beliefs and issues that distract from our happier, vibrant lives.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an evidence-based psychotherapy process that enables you to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that result from disturbing life experiences.   Clinical studies show that the use of EMDR fosters change faster than traditional talk therapy.  

How does it work?

Our minds heal from psychological trauma in much the same way as our bodies recover from physical trauma.  When you cut your hand, you don't have to tell your body how to heal it, your body automatically begins to work to close the wound.  If a foreign object or repeated injury irritates that wound, it festers and causes pain but once the block is removed the healing process then resumes.  Similarly, your brain's Adaptive Information Processing system naturally moves toward health.  If your brain's adaptive functioning system is blocked or imbalanced by the impact of a disturbing event, the emotional wound festers and can cause intense suffering.   With the use of EMDR we can activate the natural healing processes of your brain.

What can I expect?

Oftentimes people are surprised at the results of the reprocessing.  An event or experience that was previously disturbing may no longer hold an emotional charge or intensity.  Many people find it difficult to clearly recall the original event once the reprocessing is complete and report they are thinking differently about the event and themselves. 

EMDR works well for individuals who:

  • have experienced repeated trauma as in the case of abuse that occurred over a period of time

  • have experienced a single traumatic event like a car accident, house fire or natural disaster

  • experience anxiety or panic attacks

  • feel plagued by persistent negative beliefs

  • experience PTSD symptoms

But I like my current therapist

No problem. I am happy to provide EMDR for an individual as an adjunct to the therapy work they are doing with another therapist. You and I will reprocess the past or trauma and your regular therapist will continue the good work they’ve been doing with you on everything else. It is a great way to get you unstuck and moving forward in your work or address those specific concerns you have. Feel free to ask more about that when you call me at 919-286-9659.

Sign me up! How do I get started?

Call now at 919-286-9659 to book your appointment at my Durham office or for a free 15-minute consultation about how easy it is to make the changes you’re looking for.