Expelling the Venom - Isn’t that a great name? And, oh so timely. This exercise is a great way to get rid of a sense of overwhelm, overload or unwanted emotions you might be carrying…. Try it out and see how you feel.

Download the handout here: Expelling the Venom

This exercise helps you to ground with the earth. When we are grounded we feel more supported and less anxious.

These exercises help open the head and neck up for increased energy and blood flow.

These exercises are designed to reduce eye tension and strain and support overall health for the eyes.

Spleen energy works tirelessly. It is one of the main metabolizers for the body, metabolizing not only what we eat or drink but also our emotions and experiences. Keeping Spleen energy strong is vital for our immune system and overall health.

The Belt Flow is a good exercise for opening up the flow of energy between the top and lower halves of the body. It also supports grounding.

Triple Warmer Smoothie, a quick and easy way to soothe and calm the body and the fight/flight/freeze response. Use anytime you feel stressed or anxious.

The Wayne Cook exercise is for when you are feeling scattered and unfocused. It is helpful for people who stutter or experience symptoms of ADD. It is also great for when you feel overwhelmed.

Bringing Down the Flame is good for overall soothing and calming of the body. Good to use before bed.

Connecting Heaven & Earth is a great exercise for getting energy flowing freely through the body. It also expels toxic energies and is very supportive of the joints. Is particularly helpful in activating the Spleen which plays an important role in immune functioning. Do this if you feel you are coming down with something.

These exercises open up blood and energy flow through and to the brain. Done regularly they will help to maintain cognitive functioning and brain health.