You’re exhausted. You know that staying super busy and taking care of everyone else has been a long-time strategy to not deal with the things from the past, to not feel. It just isn’t working anymore.

You keep thinking that the things from your past should stay there but they don’t. When you’re not haunted by memories you’re constantly scanning your environment for danger.

Trying to hide the constant fear and anxiety is exhausting. You don’t really trust anyone, not even those closest to you. It effects every area of your life. You wonder if you’ll ever be able to let your guard down or let someone get close. It can really feel lonely. And hopeless.

Everyone else looks happy, I want that too

You see people around you laughing, playing, and looking so relaxed. You can’t imagine ever feeling like that, you just aren’t wired like that. Or, maybe you would’ve been wired differently if you hadn’t grown up the way you did. At work, with friends, and even with your partner you feel like you are constantly on guard. The wrong word, touch, or look can leave you scrambling and wanting to run away.

There’s no one to talk to. You don’t want to burden your friends and you don’t think they’ll understand anyway. Besides it’s too shameful and embarrassing to admit.

You’ve thought about going to counseling, but the idea is both exciting and terrifying. What if it helped and you could feel real joy and have the life you wanted- that would be amazing?!  But, what if it didn’t work and you found out there was no hope… or worse yet, what if things got worse again?  You’ve actually worked really hard to be as together and successful as you are. Maybe it is better to leave well enough alone… but you want and need more. 

Is real help too much to hope for?

It may not feel like it much of the time but there really is hope. My name is Mary and I am a therapist who specializes in helping people who’ve been through bad experiences get the healing they need to live their day to day lives without feeling on guard and panicky all the time. I’ll help you to put the past behind you once and for all, let go of the fear and anxiety that has haunted you and find joy again.

With the use of EMDR, an extraordinary therapeutic approach, energy healing, mindfulness meditation and Brainspotting I’ll help you transform the intensity and distress of your past experiences into memories that no longer hold power over you. AND, it doesn’t have to take forever. One of the best things about Brainspotting is that you don’t have to talk about your stress or trauma. We can still work on it, still process and transform it without you ever having to tell me the details. Nice, huh?

Time to Put the Past Behind You and Start Feeling Better Now

You can figure out who you really are outside of those old experiences. You can step into a new way of being in the world, a new way of relating to yourself and others.

We can work on anything that’s been impacted by the past including your work, confidence, sex life, friendships, relationships, sleep, and kids.

Let’s start you on the path to freedom today, call me at 919-286-9659 to book an appointment or for your free 15-minute phone consultation for counseling in Durham, NC.