Fee schedule

When receiving a session with me you get the richness and fullness of all of my trainings and experience which includes Energy Medicine, meditation/mindfulness and continuous trainings in psychotherapy.  I weave all of that into our work without separating it.  Therefore, I charge the same amount for my time regardless of what modality I am using to work with you.

My fees are as follows:

  • $200 for a 50-minute session

  • $300 for a 80-minute session

In an effort to build more economic justice I set aside a limited number of sliding scale slots to offer services to folks who can’t afford my full fees.  For the sliding scale to work, it requires your active participation. 

When a sliding scale is implemented effectively, everyone pays a similar percentage of their income for the same services. The idea here is that a wide range of payment options across the scale promotes broader accessibility, while insuring fair compensation for the provider. 

Sliding scales are often based on individual income levels with people of higher incomes paying more. That said, many factors complicate and affect our financial status. Some groups of people have costs that the larger population does not. Others have access to resources that are not always reflected in their lifestyle choices and income levels.

The sliding scale range is between $100 - $200 per 50 minute session ($150 - $300 for 80-minutes).

Please consider paying my full fee if you...

  • Want to come in less often than once a week

  • Travel recreationally

  • Can afford to take time off

  • Regularly eat out, buy new clothes, attend cultural events without worrying too much about your budget

  • Own the home you live in

  • Have investments, a retirement account, or inherited money

  • Have access to family money and resources in times of need

  • Have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, or class background, etc). Even if you are not currently exercising your earning power, please consider this as a choice. 

Consider paying between $100 - 200 for 50-minute session ($150 - 300 for 80-minutes) if you…

  • Desire weekly appointments but can’t do so at my full fee

  • Are working part time jobs not by choice

  • Rarely buy new items because you are unable to afford them

  • Are the sole support and income for children or other dependents

  • Have been denied work because of an incarceration history

  • Have immigration related expenses

  • Are an elder with limited financial support & income

  • Have no access to family money or other resources to fall back on

The scale provided here is intended to be a guide -- inviting each of us to take inventory of our financial resources and look deeper at our levels of privilege.

Pay what feels right with consideration as to how frequently you wish to meet.

I do ask if you choose the sliding scale option that you pay with either cash, check or via Venmo or PayPal as friends and family so as not to incur additional charges.

Please note no Superbills will be provided for sliding scale sessions.  A Superbill is a document you can use to file with your insurance to cover your mental health costs.  If you are planning to file with your insurance I have to charge my full fee or it is considered insurance fraud to reduce the fee for some and not others who are insured by the same company.  If you aren’t filing with your insurance we can do what works best for us both.

(Sliding scale description adapted with permission from George Nichols, PhD)